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Skid Loader & Mini-Excavator vs Backhoe Loader

Contractors Machinery

Skid Loader & Mini Excavator vs Backhoe Loader – Which is Right for You?

If you’ve got a big job to do, choosing the right equipment is critical. The Skid Loader/Mini-Excavator Combo vs. the Backhoe Loader has been a major change in the construction industry over the last 10 years. They both have advantages and are designed to for a multitude of tasks. Make sure you use the correct one; it will save hours…if not days…of frustration!

Backhoe Loader – Larger, with great excavation capability

Backhoe Loader

CASE Backhoe Loader


Versatility is a primary advantage of the backhoe loader. Not only is it capable of driving across large jobsites and the road at speeds exceeding 20 mph the backhoe side of the machine is a powerful, deep digging excavator. The backhoe provides greater reach and digging depth than most mini excavators. Digging 15’ trenches, basements, foundations…? The backhoe loader is capable of these tasks.

The backhoe loader is not only for the use of excavation, however. The front of the machine contains a loader designed for loading, transporting, and dumping construction materials. Overall, it has greater capacity to handle heavy loads than the skid loader.

Although there are some distinct advantages to choosing the backhoe, one disadvantage is its size. It was created for major lifting and excavation; if the site demands navigating tight spaces, the skid loader/mini excavator may be the better choice.

Compact Track Loader/Skid-Steer Loaders & Mini Excavator – Smaller, with greater maneuverability 


CASE Compact Track Loader or Skid Steer Loader


Obviously, with two pieces of equipment owners can have multiple jobs taking place at the same time with two operators. The CTL and Mini-Excavator markets are the largest unit volume markets in the construction equipment industry.

Referred to as Compact Track Loaders or skid-steer loaders, the skid loader has a unique design. The frame is rigid and contains either wheels or tracks. These simply skid on one side while the other side is locked in place, allowing the driver to turn to the right or the left with great agility.

A smaller machine than the backhoe, the skid loader has the capabilities to also lift and perform most loader excavation jobs. This machine contains a quick-attach system for the ease of adding buckets, trenchers, grapples, forks, sweepers. It’s a versatile machine, excellent for smaller excavation and lighter loading jobs. Coupled with a mini excavator for trenching work this is a hard combo to beat.

CMI-Case prides itself in providing the perfect machine for every job! If you have any additional questions about which is best for you, see a CMI dealer today and rest assured you will make the best choice for the construction task at hand.